Thankful Thursday: 25 People You should say Thank You to Today

A few days ago I read a blog on thankfulness by Ron Edmondson. His article talked about 25 people you should say Thank You to today. Here’s my response to his 25.

It’s never a bad thing to talk about your blessings more than you talk about your burdens. (Excuse my rant from last night) So here’s a new start to a new day, focusing on gratitude.

The person who gave you a start in your career.

Someone who encourages you that you only know online.

A random stranger God lays on your heart.

A teacher who had the greatest impact on you.

A friend who was there when you needed one most.

A pastor who helped shape your understanding of God.- Beth Moore

I don’t know if Beth Moore is a pastor but I know she’s a gifted teacher of God’s Word. I will never forget her message at Passion’s One Day 2000 where she talked about idolatry. (10:13 begins)

It changed me from the inside and out. It’s where my one and only tattoo was inspired from.

The person you know who prays for you regularly.

The person who waits on you everyday — somewhere — and you don’t even know their name.

A politician you admire for doing the right thing — as best as you can tell.

The unexpected person who was there for you at just the right time in your life.

A person who may not receive encouragement from anyone else.

A leader you admire.

Someone who has invested in you and doesn’t even know it.

The person who has been the most patient with you.

Someone who believed in you when no one else did.

An emergency services professional — police, fire, military, etc.

Your childhood best friend.- Cynthia & Julie

We’re having a reunion this in 2 weeks! I CANNOT WAIT!


A bunch of goofballs we are.

A bunch of goofballs we are.

The person who introduced you to the person you married.

A college professor who challenged you to think bigger.

Someone who inspires you with something they do well.

Someone who was a good friend to your parents.

A person you think is under appreciated. -Wilson Kim

Wilson Kim is the definition of behind the scenes servant. He comes on Sundays and he stays until 5pm- cleaning, taking out the garbage and putting back all the snack supplies. Definitely want to show him some appreciation for all he does at all the Pathway events, not just Sunday worship.

Someone who has a smile that encourages you.

A family member who holds the family together.

The parent who paved your way.


Who are you thankful for?


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